Saturday, September 19, 2009
last fasting day
Hmm… ngga kerasa uda puasa sebulan hehehe (ngga ding, kadang berasa lama juga gara-gara laper). Rasanya sayang sebentar lagi uda bukan bulan puasa ya, hehehe, smoga tahun depan masih ketemu bulan Ramadan lagi, Amin.
Dan lebaran kali ini pun keluarga gue ngga mudik ke jawa. Zzz. Sebenernya pengin, pengin jalannya aja hahaha. Abisnya, tiap libur lebaran pasti ada aja tugas sekolah (- -) yang bikin ngga tenang. Jadi males mudik. Bleh.
Sooo.. berbahagialah kalian yang ngga dibebani tugas liburan walaupun ngga mudik kemana-mana. (AWAS LO YA LIBURAN SANTAI-SANTAI AJA SEMENTARA GUE PUNYA PR GINI).
Last, HAPPY IDUL FITRI 1430 H for those who celebrate it, and please forgive me for my every mistake :)
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
not many students came to school today; it felt like global is just a course place instead of a school. well, we got 9 people in my class today; enough to be divided into 3 groups in chemistry quiz and yeah, we're competing so hard for 20ish questions.
my little cousin has been staying at my home, anyway. he's 3 goin on 4 this november and you know, a baby on the age is just too active. hwaeyoiyewargh.
(this post title means 'hello'---the same as 'anyeonghasaeyo')
Friday, September 11, 2009
randomly picked
my first paper star. congratulation to me! thanks to amel who taught me how to make it, thanks to virda for the photograph, and thanks to diga who allowed me to use her line papers for this experiment ;D (tangan saya terlihat seperti sedang mempromosikan sebuah produk dalam iklan TV; lengannya kecil dan tiba-tiba jari-jari saya di-zoom untuk memperlihatkan produk yang diiklankan)
mr.kangaroo is studying biology. you’d not believe how smart he is. mr.kangaroo was picked by tricia, one who gave it to me. (see your little boy reads my whole notes, tricia!)
XIscience2 break fasting. left-right, front-back: zharvan, andreas, diga, me, nunu, rigo, bima, aristo, kresno.
left-right: nerizza, feby, nunu, me, amel, virda, diga, didit. the camera’s focused on the leaves (- -)
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
these irritating things
ngga juga sih.
eh iya sih, pengen nangis, dikit aja tapi.
hari ini weekly test physics guys you know it's one of my favorites haha. jadinya hari sebelumnya gue uda bela-belain belajar gitu ya dari pulang sekolah sampe malem. uda gitu tadi paginya juga belajar lagi sama anak-anak. oke gue pede.
jeng... jeng... jeeeng...
begitu di kelas, semuanya uda siap ulangan, kelas tenang. oke, masih apal deh rumus-rumus tercinta itu.
5 menit... 1 anak nanya ke guru, oke, rumusnya rada ngabur.
10 menit... 3 anak nanya, rumus mulai seliweran di mata.
18 menit... anak-anak rame, AAAARRRGGHHHH GUE LUPA SEMUA RUMUSNYA!!
I was frustrated you know. Bayangin, 1 soal beranak 4 dan semua pelajaran yang uda gue belajarin NGGA ADA YANG KESISA di otak. mata gue berkaca-kaca, panik. duh gawat bener dah tu.
di detik-detik akhir gue baru bisa ngerjain soal tuh ya. itu pun banyak yang ngga teliti, uda ngeblur aja pikirannya (_ _)"
dan setelahnya gue jadi sangat menyadari bahwa gue terlalu takut berhadapan dengan ulangan fisika walaupun sebenernya bisa-bisa aja ngerjainnya.
hal lainnya yang gue sadari adalah, gue terlalu suka memaksakan diri gue supaya bisa ngerjain hal-hal yang dikasih ke gue, mau apapun itu. jadinya malah sebaliknya, hhhh.
tapi anehnya, gue tetep aja masih suka panikan dan ngga teliti dan blablabla lainnya yang bikin payah banget.
mohon sifat-sifat di atas jangan ditiru ya. gue aja kalang-kabut gara-gara yang beginian :(
*hari ini tanggal-bulan-taunnya sama semua. berharap bertaun-taun ke depan bisa punya anak yang lahirnya di tanggal istimewa biar enak ngingetnya, hahahaha.
ya jelas lah. yah, apalagi kalau apa yang orang tertawakan itu bukan sesuatu yang kita inginkan---beberapa justru menginginkan orang lain menertawakannya karna jokes yang dibuatnya. yang gue maksud dengan 'bukan sesuatu yang kita inginkan' adalah segala yang kita lakukan, katakan, atau bahkan yang kita rasakan dengan sangat jujur dan ngga mengada-ada, justru dijadikan bahan lelucon orang lain, orang di sekitarmu sendiri; walaupun mungkin semua itu memang terdengar 'not common' di sekitarmu.
tapi tetap aja, rasanya ngga adil kalau kita dijadikan bulan-bulanan tertawaan. sensitif atau ngga, pasti rasanya sakit menyadari apa yang orang katakan tentang kita. semoga ngga ada lagi yang ngalamin hal kaya' gitu ya. mungkin itu dianggap jokes paling lucu, tapi jangan sampai kelewat batas deh.
*ngga munafik gue juga pernah ngetawain orang, tapi gue ngga mau sampe over. kasian kan orang yang selalu kita jadiin bahan tertawaan >.<
Monday, September 7, 2009
internet's going mad
*Hoh hoh hoh I’m still fasting (- -)”
Friday, September 4, 2009
sleepy, again
"nobody is disabled. they just able in other ways."
Agree? Yes I do.
It's Sergeant Grey's quote (this is not the exact words) and i do agree with that, I dunno why I suddenly remembered this quote and wanna talk about it in this space. But not now. I'm so tired and sleepy and blablabla. XIscience2 was having break fasting at Rigo's house. I got back home a half hour after the break time, so did another girls; boys were still stay there.
Maybe I'll post some of my drafts later. I must take a rest as I've been sooo sleepy since the first break time in school today.
*anyway, I have lots of homework for next week. I'm so please that the teacher gave them for us, what a wonderful holiday tomorrow will be (you lie!).
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
in a good mood
You know what; Bekasi was shaken by earthquake of 7, 3 Richter scale from Tasikmalaya. It’s about at 14.56. We were almost in the end of mathematics hours on 4th floor when the building started to shake. At first, no one realize it, but I did think I got vertigo or something. Then someone in the class shouted “Is it earthquake?” and the others have just realized and got panic. Everyone was still in the class (I dunno why we just stood up there and made no move) until we heard other students on the same floor shouted quite loudly. We’re quite calm, though.
All students then went downstairs and gather on the field and well, I got back home (hey, the time had been finished; I have to go home immediately). Well, this afternoon was really shaken guys.
Off to this topic,
I believe that every bad thing happens with us for a reason that mentioned our sin as the cause.
Yes, you have to do so. Cause it’s definitely true, dear.
We never always get things done well as we want them to, ryt? We’ve already arranged and planned everything to reach our goal. And when it comes to the time we achieve the result, buzz! It’s the unwanted one, or if it’s worse, we got virtually nothing.
Well, people, if we ever experience this kinda thing, then we must introspect ourselves. Because yes, that’s how God ‘bleaches’ us from sin that has been crawling our soul for a long time. That's how God shows his greatness to mankind. By this time, we have to be more thankful and be patient with everything that pass by in our life. Remember everything happens for a special reason for each of us :)
I'm going to break the fasting, yeay.