Wednesday, November 25, 2009

jurusan dan kemalasan

Hello world! Hello people! Hello my blog!
A half month since my last post, finally. Entah kenapa belakangan ini ngga semangat internetan. Sampe-sampe blognya (makin) bulukan ckckck - -

Hmm.. Ngomong mengomong, hari ini hari pertama semester exam loooh :O harusnya sekarang gue sedang bergelut dengan buku-buku dan belajar yang rajin, harusnya sih. Tapi karena kalo lebih banyak belajar itu lebih banyak lupa, maka di sinilah gue sekarang; ngetik-ngetik geje, yang baca juga geje (itupun kalo ada yang baca –,-)

mau banget lah disuruh belajar 6 jam nonstop asal disodorin stock pocky 8 karung begini :D

Kemarin baru denger berita lagi; penerimaan mahasiswa baru (study abroad) udah mulai dibuka untuk siswa kelas 11. Berarti tahun ini juga gue harus mulai mantepin pilihan mau ke jurusan mana. A word: T-junction. Gue masih belom pede sama pilihan baru gue. Iya, baru, baru. Dari jaman TK sampe kemaren kelas 10 nih, tujuan gue cuma 1, jadi dokter. It means ---- masuk FK ---- kuliah bareng mayat ---- banyak darah dan bau-bauan ---- nunggu wisuda lama ---- ijin praktiknya juga lama ---- lama-lama klenger.

Hehehe, sebenernya itu emang resiko kuliah ya. Coba deh kalo dokter sekolahnya cuma 6 bulan trus langsung dapet ijin praktik, mortalitas di Indonesia bakal ningkat drastis, fantastis! Jadi, kalo dipikir-pikir lagi, gue ngga lagi setertarik dulu buat jadi dokter. Singkatnya, malay.

Pilihan 1 : akutansi, negeri
Pilihan 2 : kedokteran, negeri

Oke, pilihan kedua sekarang sudah selesai direvisi (cailah). Dan sekarang diganti jadi food tech. Denger-denger, kuota tahun ini dari 1000an peminat, yang diterima sebangsa 70-90an. Yaampun. Ngga kalah dari FK ckckck. Whatever lah, I try to do everything more optimal, do them with my best. Yes, I have to, you have to. And do not, i repeat, DO NOT underestimate the Secret :D


Sunday, November 8, 2009

exam, birthday, and cookie monster

i'm about to have semester exam. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa....
why don't we just jump to the next holiday? or, how if we skip the next exam and prepare for next school period? well i'm not really sure if i'm ready for the exam (i'm ready, i'm ready not, i'm ready, i'm ready not, blablabla) but i know i have to. i think exam is another way of wasting energy and wasting paper, anyway. you must have known well that there are bunch of paper used in every examination. what a waste! it's equal to cutting down trees growing on earth, don't you think?

okay, i know, it's kinda provocation for you, students. just pretend i've just shocked by something, or jetlag. forget it.

i love to have the doll, i mean the big one. it's contradict with my fear of big and furry things. idc. who wants to gimme the doll? raise your hands!

yesterday was my little cousin's birthday and we celebrated it at my home. he's 4 now (yes, he is one who i've written about here). unfortunately i could not wish him happy birthday exactly on his small party because i was at school for global cup competition when it's started. but i got home in the afternoon, not long after the party began.

as Sesame Street celebrated it's 40th birthday this week, i post some photos of it's character to participate the celebration (eh?). google search engine is also displaying the characters for several days.

as you may guess, my home was so crowded! ewewewew. but it's okay as they (my younger cousins) made no mess. i love having great times with my whole family, especially with those cute babies hahaha.
and, fyi, tomorrow is my mother's birthday, hehe. my sister and i have been planning to give her a surprise (my father said that he'd also like to join us by phone from lampung).
wish us luck!
