Sunday, April 26, 2009


these photos are taken when i was still in Gorontalo (when i was junior high student, when i still had much spare time). the view was good but my phone camera didn't support them to look better (i used a VGA phone camera, jadul).
actually there are lots of amaazing views you can see in Gorontalo. also along the road of Gorontalo-Manado. you can see the green hill and bluish ocean. just prepare your body fit and don't forget the pil cz you'll be shaken during the trip.

Monday, April 20, 2009

me, alone

loneliness is sitting next to me.
i feel there's a barrier keeps me inside. out of everyone's touch (haiyah)
well, sometimes i just don't believe there's something called friendship


p.s : i failed in the selection. hopefully physics team will do better next year. amin

Saturday, April 11, 2009


titik-titik embun masih tertidur
bermimpi dalam peluk rerumputan
jangan bangunkan titik embun saat ini
biar mereka di sini
sampai nanti


kau pernah bercerita
tentang sahabat masa kecilmu
tentang sebuah bintang
menyendiri di tengah peluk malam

"sama sepertiku," katamu
ia pergi dari gemerlap rasi
demi menjelajah angan
menyelami pekatnya langit malam

ribuan khayal tlah ditelusuri
mimpi-mimpi terliar sekalipun
teman sesama petualang
kau dan bintang kecilmu itu


these poems were created instantly by my imaginary feeling. the poems were walking across my mind and i caught it and then i wrote for my blog post. jadi ngga kepikiran diksinya bagus apa ngga.


Friday, April 10, 2009

skipping classes

skipping class is the best hahaha.
on wednesday i had 2 hours lessons only, and the rest day i was in physics exercise ;D
actually it was the same day like my routine days, the same feeling of 'cape', but yesterday i had more pressure.
the selection is just 4 days from now and i haven't done any good job in doing the questions. a bit nervous and again, pessimistic. i really don't know how to face my teacher if i totally failed in the test T.T

after 2 hours learning chemistry with my homeroom teacher and a little bit confused by the hidro-carbon-compounds-and-anything-about-the-poisonous-carbon, i left the class and join with my friends to have physics exercise. i said good bye to my classmates (hahaha sounds like i'll leave for a long time) and asked them to inform me about tasks given later.
and so, my friends and I, and my teacher, had 3 hours cold-like-in-refrigerator-exercise in physics laboratory (it felt like in ice age, i guessed). we missed the 1st break time huhuhu. i ate my lunch in the quiet coridor. zzz

we then went to the library and waiting to continue the exercise. my teacher asked us to keep reading and doing the questions by ourselves, but we thought that a joke might be a good idea :D
the 2nd break time. my teacher came again. my friends were shalat and i was asked to call them back. i went to biology lab (where my friends should be) and met X4's and an X3. They said i must stay to talk about biopori holes project (argh). it meant i have to work with trash cans and EVERYTHING inside it. EVERYTHING people had thrown into the cans.
fortunately, i was saved by the pressence of my friends that informed about the exercise hahaha. i said good bye to my biopori friends (we've got a brand new name) happily and back to the exercise.

the last 2 hours lesson in the day. my teacher asked me to follow X4's physics class. how come an X3 can be in X4's class? it was me. don't care lah. my friends and i got some questions while another X4 were watching a horor film. zzzzz. we studied among the screams and jokes and the horor of the film. we were trying to focused. i used my jacket to blocked my eyes from glancing to the film screen. but we failed. we watched the movie all together hahaha.
the lamps were still turned off and X4s were very serious watched it. like it or not, you'll be anxious what will happen to the actors of the film. actually i quite like to left the class and pretend that i've never watched it.
yeah i finally went out of the class cz i had a course waiting.
and my tiring day ended by the noise of ojek's motorcycle that saw me off in front of my home.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


everything starts to be better.

kemaren gue sempet GIVE UP you know, you know. bukan tentang skolah sih yang jelas. pokonya tentang itu deh lah ngga perlu dibahas lagi haha.
dan akhirnya gue sekarang ada di tengah "kesibukan" (cailah) nyiapin buat seleksi osn. i wish i had got more experience when i was in junior high ;(
nyesel emang sih gue dulu bandel banget diomongin suruh ikut pembinaan. lumayan keteter nih skarang. lack of idea...
jadi tuh critanya gue udah ngga mikirin satu masalah, eh dateng masalah lain yang nyamperin. hadu haduu..

guru gue optimis sih kalo gue sama yang lain langsung bisa dapet posisi yang enak di penyisihan awal nanti (walopun kita-kita ini masih hijauu..)

gue sendiri malah pesimis (_ _)"
slaen karena gue emang ngga pe-de-an, gue rasa nalar gue ngga berkembang sejauh apa yang mestinya gue punya hiks. guru gue uda nyemangatin segala rupa sama kita sih, tapi gue tetep aja ngga bisa se-optimis guru gue.

hh... just hope that i can do the best in the exact time lah :)

p.s penyakit teledor gue makin kambuh, ulangan jelek mulu :(