Saturday, May 29, 2010

We SHOULD be Very Thankful

Well, baru aja nonton berita sore ini. Dan tadi ada satu liputan yang bikin heran. Beritanya tentang suporter tim sepakbola daerah *tebakajanamatimnya* yang bener-bener ngefans berat sama tim andalannya. Hm. Bayangin aja, dateng jauh-jauh dari daerah ke Jakarta demi nonton jagoannya main di stadion *entah Gelora Bung Karno atau bukan* beberapa hari lagi. Dari awal, mereka sama sekali ngga nyiapin akomodasi di Jakarta selama beberapa hari sebelum pertandingan sepakbola digelar nanti, cuma tenda-tenda sederhana yang jadi andalan mereka buat istirahat, di tengah kota yang sama sekali asing buat mereka.

Jauh-jauh berangkat dari kampung halamannya, suporter-suporter itu bermodalkan, paling banter, 100ribu rupiah. Bisa nebak gimana keadaannya sekarang? Yah, jelas aja 100ribu rupiah itu ambles hanya dalam 2 hari di Jakarta. Kehabisan uang, akhirnya mereka ngamen di jalan-jalan buat ngganjal perut.

Sebenernya banyak yang nasibnya sama kaya’ mereka di sekitar kita. Bukan cuma suporter-suporter nekat, setiap hari pasti kita liat anak-anak jalanan dan pengamen cilik yang mondar-mandir di sekitar lampu merah, pindah dari satu jendela mobil ke mobil yang lain demi koin-koin receh. Pernah ngebayangin ngga sih gimana mereka bisa bertahan hidup dengan bermodal ukulele atau kecrekan doang? Ngebayangin ngga, gimana rasanya kalo anak-anak yang duduk-duduk di pembatas jalan itu diri kita sendiri? Ngebayangin ngga, sudah berapa hari mereka puasa karna ngga punya makanan? Sama sekali ngga habis pikir kenapa segitu banyaknya orang yang nekat pergi ke Jakarta, padahal mereka tau, merantau itu ngga cukup bermodalkan nekat. Dan sekarang banyak yang terkatung-katung di jalanan.

Ngeliat mereka bener-bener ngga tega. Kerja dari pagi sampai malam non-stop buat ngebiayain hidup mereka. Malahan ada juga yang harus bayar setoran ke kordinator mereka. Mesti nyari uang buat makan hari ini, dan ngga tau apa besok mereka harus puasa lagi atau ngga.

Sedangkan kita? Harusnya kita bersyukur banget bisa disekolahkan di sekolah favorit oleh orang tua. Setiap hari kita makan nasi lengkap plus sayur dan lauk pauk yang sehat, ada mobil plus supir yang siap mengantar kita kemanapun kita mau, punya uang saku bulanan yang mungkin lebih sering kita habiskan buat hangout di mal ketimbang ditabung. Bukannya nge-judge anak-anak muda kota besar loh, cuma mau ngingetin supaya kita semua lebih sederhana dan hidup prihatin.

Punya sesuatu yang lebih itu jelas bukan dosa, tapi itu patut disyukuri lewat cara-cara yang baik, apalagi kalo sekalian bisa ngebantu orang lain yang lebih membtuhkan. Ngga ada salahnya kalo sekali-kali kita belajar mandiri tanpa bantuan orang tua, itung-itung mengurangi tanggungan mereka atas kita juga. Rasa kemanusiaan kita bisa ikut terasah juga loh ;)

Coba mulai sama-sama dari sekarang dan.........buktikan hasilnya :D

Friday, December 4, 2009

1st anniversary!

It’s called freedom, today and the rest of December. It’s TOEFL test in our last semester exam schedule this morning. Yep. A subject for examination closing. This is what we have been waiting the most. We don’t have to go to school within next week if we don’t fail in any subject or have any incomplete task. Hope I won’t take any remedial test, Amin.

Anyway, yesterday my friends and I watched 2 movies which differ immensely. New Moon and Ninja Assassin. It was me, Gendis, Dian, Ella, Wikan, Frans, Kevin, Julius, Hanif, and Ferdi. We planned to went out yesterday due to the thought that whispered into our minds that we don’t have to study much for next TOEFL test. Hmmm. Didn’t mean to underestimate the test, but yesterday was the right day when we all had spare time. Yap. Actually there’s a job today to help people decorating school for Christmas celebration (on December 14), but it’s been canceled.

The 2nd movie of Twilight saga. Honestly, I don’t really like this kind of movie, but it’s not bad I think (tapi film ini ngegantung ternyata, aga ngeselin). I was half awake during watching this. I couldn’t stand not to fall asleep, very sleepy. But dian and ella talked a lot and made jokes about it so I laughed often.

A killing movie. This is best for pshyco movie lovers although this is not pshyco one (?). You’ll see an abang-abang jago kung-fu taun 70an here (it’s gendis who gave this precious name, I agree with that, though) as the main actor of this movie (one who is on the picture above). He’s Rain (Korean actor) actually. I’d just known it after gendis and ella told me. Zzz.

Almost forgot; this December is my blog’s birthmonth! Happy 1st anniversary dear blog! Hahaha. I remember when I first created this blogger account, I did nothing but keep clicking on every link displayed on the dashboard :D that resulted a plain, white-templated blog for about 3 months. I’d like to change the template with attractive ones provided by some sites, but unfortunately I’m not clever enough to apply the HTML codes.
Believe me, I’m used to forget things for a quite long time, and this blog is one of the evidences.

But then people, someone could boost up my blogging mood and I started to write on this space, again (I had had an older one when I was junior high grader, but I forgot what the password was and I decided to create another one, this blog). It was April 2009 when I post the premier one. No introduction, no preface, nothing but only a daily story. You would say that post was “What is she trying to say here? It explains nothing but talking with herself!
I know. You don’t have to feel guilty that I’ve already known :D
But I still keep that post anyway.

Ok blog, I’ve been thinking what you should be named. Permanently. A simple-but-ear-catching blog title: sjaodjsiaoa.

. . .

Well.. hmmm… I haven’t got it (- -)”
I’ll tell you laytah, promise. I just won’t promise to keep writing on this space every day, or 2 days, or 5 days, or 2 weeks, or more. I’m currently avoiding internet thingy. I rarely open Kimi for typing anything or just listening mp3s also.

So, so far, I don’t have any plan for next free weeks. There will be class meeting before holiday though. I will be there to help some, hope it’ll be much better than the last one, Amin. Besides that, I think I’m gonna stay at home for the rest holiday. I’d like to go out somewhere that’s far so I will have something fascinating to be told about my holiday >.<

Hmm.. How about a little reunion with junior high friends? Hmm, most of them are overseas, in Gorontalo and Manado, but there are some who live around Jakarta and Bogor; Agung, Ayub, Chris, Puji, and Putra. Well, I will ask them if we can meet somewhere somewhen this holiday. Maybe it can be a kind of rehearsal before the great reunion with IX-I later (Amin, hope there will be, at least once). Hahaha.

Enjoy your holiday, people! Or, enjoy your semester exam ;)


Wednesday, November 25, 2009

jurusan dan kemalasan

Hello world! Hello people! Hello my blog!
A half month since my last post, finally. Entah kenapa belakangan ini ngga semangat internetan. Sampe-sampe blognya (makin) bulukan ckckck - -

Hmm.. Ngomong mengomong, hari ini hari pertama semester exam loooh :O harusnya sekarang gue sedang bergelut dengan buku-buku dan belajar yang rajin, harusnya sih. Tapi karena kalo lebih banyak belajar itu lebih banyak lupa, maka di sinilah gue sekarang; ngetik-ngetik geje, yang baca juga geje (itupun kalo ada yang baca –,-)

mau banget lah disuruh belajar 6 jam nonstop asal disodorin stock pocky 8 karung begini :D

Kemarin baru denger berita lagi; penerimaan mahasiswa baru (study abroad) udah mulai dibuka untuk siswa kelas 11. Berarti tahun ini juga gue harus mulai mantepin pilihan mau ke jurusan mana. A word: T-junction. Gue masih belom pede sama pilihan baru gue. Iya, baru, baru. Dari jaman TK sampe kemaren kelas 10 nih, tujuan gue cuma 1, jadi dokter. It means ---- masuk FK ---- kuliah bareng mayat ---- banyak darah dan bau-bauan ---- nunggu wisuda lama ---- ijin praktiknya juga lama ---- lama-lama klenger.

Hehehe, sebenernya itu emang resiko kuliah ya. Coba deh kalo dokter sekolahnya cuma 6 bulan trus langsung dapet ijin praktik, mortalitas di Indonesia bakal ningkat drastis, fantastis! Jadi, kalo dipikir-pikir lagi, gue ngga lagi setertarik dulu buat jadi dokter. Singkatnya, malay.

Pilihan 1 : akutansi, negeri
Pilihan 2 : kedokteran, negeri

Oke, pilihan kedua sekarang sudah selesai direvisi (cailah). Dan sekarang diganti jadi food tech. Denger-denger, kuota tahun ini dari 1000an peminat, yang diterima sebangsa 70-90an. Yaampun. Ngga kalah dari FK ckckck. Whatever lah, I try to do everything more optimal, do them with my best. Yes, I have to, you have to. And do not, i repeat, DO NOT underestimate the Secret :D


Sunday, November 8, 2009

exam, birthday, and cookie monster

i'm about to have semester exam. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa....
why don't we just jump to the next holiday? or, how if we skip the next exam and prepare for next school period? well i'm not really sure if i'm ready for the exam (i'm ready, i'm ready not, i'm ready, i'm ready not, blablabla) but i know i have to. i think exam is another way of wasting energy and wasting paper, anyway. you must have known well that there are bunch of paper used in every examination. what a waste! it's equal to cutting down trees growing on earth, don't you think?

okay, i know, it's kinda provocation for you, students. just pretend i've just shocked by something, or jetlag. forget it.

i love to have the doll, i mean the big one. it's contradict with my fear of big and furry things. idc. who wants to gimme the doll? raise your hands!

yesterday was my little cousin's birthday and we celebrated it at my home. he's 4 now (yes, he is one who i've written about here). unfortunately i could not wish him happy birthday exactly on his small party because i was at school for global cup competition when it's started. but i got home in the afternoon, not long after the party began.

as Sesame Street celebrated it's 40th birthday this week, i post some photos of it's character to participate the celebration (eh?). google search engine is also displaying the characters for several days.

as you may guess, my home was so crowded! ewewewew. but it's okay as they (my younger cousins) made no mess. i love having great times with my whole family, especially with those cute babies hahaha.
and, fyi, tomorrow is my mother's birthday, hehe. my sister and i have been planning to give her a surprise (my father said that he'd also like to join us by phone from lampung).
wish us luck!


Tuesday, October 13, 2009

global again for the blablablath time

long time no see, pals! definitely sure, you must miss me so much HAHAHAHA i know i know, you miss me much more than i say, just don't be that shy to admit it ya.

so, what's next?
yaah.. i'll always (yes, I WILL ALWAYS) tell you how my life is during my struggling at global, be patient ya hahaha.
jadi.. sekarang gue sedang bersiap-siap menghadapi tantangan global, preparing for global challenge, jiaha. tau kenapa? akhir bulan ini global bagi rapor lagi loh teman-teman. hmm.. cuma ada waktu setengah bulan (itupun ngga genap) buat ngebenerin nilai plus tugas yang naujubilah banyak. ck.

fly to another topic...

just wanna say thanks to my whole family, friends in XIscience2 and IX-I and others. well, as you may not know, 2 weeks ago was my birthday and it's fascinating enough. they wished me happy birthday and i got a small surprise party from my mom and my sist (unfortunately my dad wasn't there). BIG THANKYOU for you 3, my dearest family ;)

hmm... that's all for now i think. it's not a real blog entry yet 'cause i'm not really in favor.

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Saturday, September 19, 2009

last fasting day

The day before Idul Fitri :)
Hmm… ngga kerasa uda puasa sebulan hehehe (ngga ding, kadang berasa lama juga gara-gara laper). Rasanya sayang sebentar lagi uda bukan bulan puasa ya, hehehe, smoga tahun depan masih ketemu bulan Ramadan lagi, Amin.
Dan lebaran kali ini pun keluarga gue ngga mudik ke jawa. Zzz. Sebenernya pengin, pengin jalannya aja hahaha. Abisnya, tiap libur lebaran pasti ada aja tugas sekolah (- -) yang bikin ngga tenang. Jadi males mudik. Bleh.
Sooo.. berbahagialah kalian yang ngga dibebani tugas liburan walaupun ngga mudik kemana-mana. (AWAS LO YA LIBURAN SANTAI-SANTAI AJA SEMENTARA GUE PUNYA PR GINI).

Last, HAPPY IDUL FITRI 1430 H for those who celebrate it, and please forgive me for my every mistake :)
